Upgrading to DefectDojo Version 2.38.x

Breaking Change for HELM deployments

Breaking Change

Previous HELM values.yaml file was not following the official HELM best practicies on key naming - https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/values/#naming-conventions

The following snake_case keys are replaced with camelCase keys in the values.yaml:

  • site_url is replaced with siteUrl

  • celery.worker.app_settings block is replaced with celery.worker.appSettings. In this block:

    • pool_type is replaced with poolType
    • autoscale_min is replaced with autoscaleMin
    • autoscale_max is replaced with autoscaleMax
    • prefetch_multiplier is replaced with prefetchMultiplier
  • django.uwsgi.app_settings block is changed to django.uwsgi.appSettings. In this block:

    • max_fd is changed to maxFd
  • django.uwsgi.enable_debug is changed to django.uwsgi.enableDebug

There are no other special instructions for upgrading to 2.38.x. Check the Release Notes for the contents of the release.