Nosey Parker

Input Type:

This parser takes JSON Lines Output from Nosey Parker:

Supports version 0.16.0:

Things to note about the Nosey Parker Parser:

  • All findings are marked with a severity of ‘High’
  • The deduplication algorithm marks a unique finding by the secret, filepath, and line number all together
  • The Nosey Parker tool allows for both full history scans of a repo and targeted branch scans
    • The Parser does NOT differentiate between the 2 scan types (may be future functionality)

    • For full history scans:

      • The scan will pick up secrets committed in the past that have since been removed
      • If a secret is removed from source code, it will still show up in the next scan
      • When importing findings via the Dojo API, make sure to use the parameter do_not_reactivate which will keep existing findings closed, without reactivating them
    • For targeted branch scans:

      • Keep in mind there may be active secrets that are either in the git history or not in the current branch

JSON Lines Format:

The parser only accepts .jsonl reports. Each line of the JSON Lines file from NoseyParker corresponds to a unique secret found with metadata for every match.

Sample Scan Data

Sample scan data for testing purposes can be found here.

Last modified February 27, 2024: Nosey Parker Parser (#9067) (18ff583c2)