Product types represent the top level model, these can be business unit divisions, different offices or locations, development teams, or any other logical way of distinguishing “types” of products.
This is the name of any project, program, or product that you are currently testing.
Engagements are moments in time when testing is taking place. They are associated with a name for easy reference, a time line, a lead (the user account of the main person conducting the testing), a test strategy, and a status. Engagement consists of two types: Interactive and CI/CD. An interactive engagement is typically an engagement conducted by an engineer, where findings are usually uploaded by the engineer. A CI/CD engagement, as it’s name suggests, is for automated integration with a CI/CD pipeline.
Tests are a grouping of activities conducted by engineers to attempt to discover flaws in a product. Tests are bundled within engagements, have a start and end date and are defined by a test type.
A finding represents a flaw discovered while testing. It can be categorized with severities of Critical, High, Medium, Low, and Informational (Info).
Endpoints represent testable systems defined by their IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name.